Monkey Beaver Sling Magazine

This is the Monkey Beaver Sling Magazine designed to hold the slings and carabiners of the Speed-Line kit! This will work with previous carabiners as well that was purchased with the original Speed-Line briefcase.Ā 

These new Magazines are designed to be attached to your saddle to carry the slings and carabiners up into the tree with you. The Magazine keeps the slings tucked away, free from snags and branches. Once you’re ready to use the slings, they come out easily without having to open the gate, as the design of the Magazine case doesn’t allow the gate to close fully when inserted. This allows for a smooth and speedy removal of each carabiner.

These Magazines can be purchased separately, without any carabiners for those who’ve already purchased the Speed-Line Briefcases previously. Or to anyone that would like a sweet new Monkey Beaver Speed-Line MagazinešŸ¤˜

For the full Speed-Line Kit, click HERE
